sábado, 2 de abril de 2011

Outrage: Miley Cyrus Makes Fun of Rebecca Black

"Talking about Rebecca Black, Miley Cyrus had this to say: "It should be harder to be an artist. You shouldn't just be able to put a song on YouTube and go out on tour."

Miley, not everyone is born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Not every young girl has a celeb father who is eager and willing to pimp his own daughter. Not every aspiring singer has a colossal like Disney to finance and promote her career.

Rebecca Black will not only survive but thrive in spite of haters like Miley Cyrus. Leave Rebecca alone Miley, she's only thirteen.

Miley should be last singer on Earth to criticize a fellow entertainer. Miley's music is bubblegum garbage.

Rebecca shouldn't worry about Miley's putdown, nobody takes Cyrus seriously as an actress or a singer.

Miley Cyrus "stalker" arrested after burglary attempt, say cops

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